The adidas AG RSS Feed enables you to receive press releases and information on investor events as soon as they are published.
adidas News
adidas News (English version)
adidas News (German version)
adidas Investor Events
adidas Investor Events (English version)
adidas Investorenveranstaltungen (German version)
adidas Events Podcasts
adidas Events Podcasts
What is RSS?
RSS is a file format based on XML for exchanging news and web content. In contrast to HTML pages, RSS files provide structured information for automated processing by RSS reader programs (RSS readers).
What are RSS Feeds?
RSS delivers its information as an XML file called RSS feed. Many internet publications, magazines and blogs offer a multitude of captions and topics for RSS feeds, which can be freely compiled by users depending on their field of interest.
What are the benefits of RSS feeds?
All news about a specific topic is displayed in a comprehensive format in the RSS reader. Each user can select websites of interest and subscribe to the corresponding feed. Instead of having to open each website periodically, information is centrally stored in the feed reader and available as soon as new information is published on the respective websites.
What are RSS readers?
Users of RSS content use programs called feed 'readers' or 'aggregators': users 'subscribe' to a feed by supplying to their reader a link to the feed; the reader can then check the user's subscribed feeds to see if any of those feeds have new content and, if so, retrieve that content and present it to the user. There is a large number of free and commercial RSS readers available for download online. You can find further information about using an RSS feed and a selection of RSS readers at