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FairPlay Whistleblower Webform

Our commitment to compliance

adidas operates with a high level of integrity across all aspects of our operations. We comply with all applicable laws and follow our Fair Play Code of Conduct to ensure we follow the rules even when no one is watching. To promote transparency and maintain the highest ethical standards, we invite our employees, business partners, and customers to contact our compliance department with any potential violation of law or our rules.

We want to hear from you

If you are aware of any legal, ethical or compliance breaches, we want to know about them. That's why the adidas Compliance Webform is public and available for anyone who has information to report. Our Compliance Webform is a confidential and secure platform that allows individuals to report any ethical or compliance concerns.

What you should report via the Webform

You should report any suspected violation of law, ethics, or our Fair Play Code of Conduct directly to compliance.

You can do so via our Webform with this link: https://www.safecall.co.uk/en/file-a-report/ or via our Whistleblower telephone-Hotline: https://www.safecall.co.uk/file-a-report/telephone-numbers/ 

Please note: the Webform and Hotline are available in numerous languages. 

External Reporting Channels

In accordance with the EU Whistleblowing Directive, we encourage the reporting of misconduct through internal channels. However, EU member states have established (or will soon establish) designated authorities to accept misconduct reports as external channels. In Germany, the designated authority for external reporting is the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz): BfJ - Hinweisgeberstelle bundesjustizamt.de

What you should report via adidas Customer Service

You should report any problems with our consumer products, customer service, or retail experience to our customer service help line: https://www.adidas.de/en/help
