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Risk and Opportunity Report

In order to remain competitive and ensure sustainable success, adidas consciously takes risks and continuously explores and develops opportunities. Our risk and opportunity management principles and system provide the framework for our company to conduct business in a well-controlled environment.

Risk and Opportunity Management Principles

The key objective of the risk and opportunity management is to support business success and protect the company as a going concern through an opportunity-focused but risk-aware decision-making framework. Our Risk Management Policy outlines the principles, processes, tools, risk areas, key responsibilities, reporting requirements, and communication timelines within our company. Risk and opportunity management is a company-wide activity that utilizes key insights from the members of the Executive Board as well as from global and local business units and functions. We define risk as the potential occurrence of an external or internal event (or series of events) that may negatively impact our ability to achieve the company’s business objectives or financial goals. Opportunity is defined as the potential occurrence of an external or internal event (or series of events) that can positively impact the company’s ability to achieve its business objectives or financial goals.

Risk and Opportunity Management System

The Executive Board has overall responsibility for establishing a risk and opportunity management system that ensures comprehensive and consistent management of all material risks and opportunities. The Risk Management department governs, operates, and develops the company’s risk and opportunity management system and is the owner of the centrally managed risk and opportunity management process on behalf of the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the risk management system. These duties are undertaken by the Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee. Working independently of all other functions of the organization, the Internal Audit department provides objective assurance to the Executive Board and the Audit Committee regarding the adequacy and effectiveness of the company’s risk and opportunity management system on a regular basis. In addition, the Internal Audit department includes an assessment of the effectiveness of risk management processes and compliance with the company’s Risk Management Policy as part of its regular auditing activities with selected adidas subsidiaries or functions each year.

Our risk and opportunity management system is based on frameworks for enterprise risk management and internal controls developed and published by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Additionally, we have adapted our risk and opportunity management system to more appropriately reflect the structure as well as the culture of the company. This system focuses on the identification, evaluation, handling, systematic reporting, and monitoring of risks and opportunities.

You can read the latest Risk and Opportunity Report here.
