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adidas AG: Publication according to § 26 paragraph. 1 WpHG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

On June 14, 2013, Mr Garrett Thornburg, USA has informed us according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG that via shares his Voting Rights on adidas AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany, have fallen below the 5% threshold of the Voting Rights on May 10, 2013 and on that day amounted to 4.81%(this corresponds
adidas AG 18.06.2013 09:53Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement, transmitted byDGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------On June 14, 2013, Mr Garrett Thornburg, USA has informed us according toArticle 21, Section 1 of the WpHG that via shares his Voting Rights onadidas AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany, have fallen below the 5% threshold ofthe Voting Rights on May 10, 2013 and on that day amounted to 4.81% (thiscorresponds to 10057706 Voting Rights).According to Article 22, Section 1, Sentence 1, No. 6 in connection withsentence 2 of the WpHG, 4.81% of the Voting Rights (this corresponds to10057706 Voting Rights) is to be attributed to Mr Thornburg. On June 14, 2013, Thornburg Investment Management, Inc., Santa Fe, NewMexico, USA has informed us according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHGthat via shares their Voting Rights on adidas AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany,have fallen below the 5% threshold of the Voting Rights on May 10, 2013 andon that day amounted to 4.81% (this corresponds to 10057706 Voting Rights).According to Article 22, Section 1, Sentence 1, No. 6 of the WpHG, 4.81% ofthe Voting Rights (this corresponds to 10057706 Voting Rights) is to beattributed to the company.18.06.2013 DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishCompany:      adidas AG              Adi-Dassler-Straße 1              91074 Herzogenaurach              GermanyInternet:     www.adidas-group.com End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------